How Do You Know If You Have A Torn Meniscus
The meniscus is soft, resilient cartilage in your knee joint between your thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia). It creates a cushion to absorb shock and to prevent bone rubbing on bone. If you twist too quickly or radically at your knee joint when your knee is bearing weight, you can tear the meniscus. It is a common sports injury when athletes run, jump, juke, or pivot. But, really, it can happen even while you are moving about in your kitchen or at the office.
Xray vs mri
Tuesday, 19 October 2021 / Published in Full Knee, MRI, Xray
X-ray vs MRI
Oftentimes, patients experiencing knee pain visit an orthopedist toward the end of a long healthcare journey.  More than half of Dr. Tchejeyan’s patients come to him after they’ve already met with a primary care doctor, physical therapist, rheumatologist, or chiropractor.  With each case, the initial patient perception is that the MRI is the test of