Considering knee surgery? We’ve debunked the top 10 myths about knee surgery so you can know the facts!
MYTH #1: “Knee Replacement” means the removal of several inches from the end of the knee bones (femur and tibia)
FALSE! The fact is, knee replacement removes 2-10 mm (that’s less than 1/2 inch) of the damaged surface of the articular surfaces. Ligaments and tendons are preserved.
MYTH #2: Knee replacement surgery takes 3 hours to perform with general anesthesia
FALSE! In the hand of expert surgeons, knee replacement takes one hour to perform. Nearly all surgeries are performed with a spinal block that last 3 hours and a twilight anesthetic, which is an anesthetic technique that uses mild doses of drugs to block pain, reduce anxiety, and provide a temporary memory loss, thus allowing patients to feel comfortable during and after surgery.
MYTH #3: Knee replacements only last 10 years
FALSE AGAIN! Modern-day knee replacements last 30 years! The weakest link in the implants is a plastic piece between the metal, which is made of a specialized polyethylene. For modern-day implants, this material is specially treated and manufactured to tolerate 30 million cycles or steps. That’s over 15,000 miles! In cases when the plastic wears out (which is extremely rare), only the modular plastic piece would need to be changed out for a new one.
MYTH #4: If the knee is damaged, the whole knee needs to be replaced
DEFINITELY FALSE! There are alternatives to Full Total Knee Replacement. Often, one needs to replace ONLY the damaged surface. We call this surgery Partial Knee Resurfacing. Many times, people only have 1 of the 3 sections of the knee affected. In these cases, only 1 of the 3 sections needs to be addressed.

MYTH #5: “I should wait as long as possible to undergo knee replacement surgery…knee replacement is meant for those 65 and older…”
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Due to the longevity of the modern implant options people may now get knee replacement sooner than previously offered, depending on their condition, as long as they are a candidate for knee replacement. Sometimes it’s actually better to have the surgery when you’re younger and healthier. Later in life, if health declines, surgery may be riskier and recovery more difficult.
MYTH #6: “I’m too old for surgery…”
FAKE NEWS! Chronologic age is not a factor to determine joint replacement. If an elderly person is medically fit, with medical clearance, knee replacement can be safely performed with excellent outcomes.
MYTH #7: Knee replacements can be rejected from the body
NOT TRUE! Artificial joints are made up of some special metals. The metals are inert and DO NOT get rejected by the body. In very rare circumstances, people may identify metal allergies, specifically Nickel. In this case, there are Nickel-free variants to the implant.
MYTH 8: Knee replacements cannot be re-done
FALSE! Actually, advancements in knee replacement technology allow surgeons to revise (re-do) a knee replacement if necessary. In some cases only the plastic needs to be exchanged.

MYTH 9: Knee replacement means I won’t ever restore my original level of activity
FALSE AGAIN! After knee replacement, people can be pain-free and are allowed to return to a variety of sports and activities such as walking, hiking, skiing, cycling, surfing, doubles racquet sports, and golf to name a few.
MYTH 10: “My bones are too weak to have a knee replacement”
NOT TRUE! Modern day knee replacement works in all types of varying bone qualities. Many newer techniques are available for people with osteoporosis.
There’s an awful lot of opinions about knee surgery out there, but these opinions are often misconceptions. Here at TJN Orthopaedics, Dr. Gregory H. Tchejeyan, MD, is committed to providing you with the most comprehensive care, especially when it comes to knee surgery. Known among the greater Los Angeles community as the “LA Knee Guy”, Dr. T. has the award-winning experience to offer extraordinary patient care.

Still, have questions? Contact our office and one of our trained staff will assist you in any way possible!