TJN Orthopedics is excited to announce the arrival of the Mako Robot to Specialty Surgery Center, an independent healthcare facility at which Dr. Gregory H. Tchejeyan performs outpatient surgical procedures.
The Mako surgical robotic arm assists surgeons with minimally invasive procedures through small incisions.
“One of the advantages of MAKO robotic-assisted joint replacement is that it provides a reproducible, minimally invasive way to more accurately and precisely reconstruct a hip or knee joint customized to the patients’ anatomy.”
-Dr. Gregory H. Tchejeyan, Owner and Orthopedic Surgeon, TJN Orthopedics
Over the decades, joint replacement has evolved to the point where it has become a commonly performed outpatient procedure. This has allowed for greater efficiencies and many benefits to the surgical centers, the surgeons, and – most importantly – the patients.
Less Costly Procedures
By 2030, total knee replacement surgeries are projected to grow 673% to 3.5 million procedures per year. The efficiency offered by outpatient surgical centers will allow the industry to keep up with demand. Insurances are actually incentivizing surgeons and hospitals to perform joint replacements as outpatient procedures. Increased efficiency and low risks make them more cost-effective for everyone. Since the facility and the patient are burdened less with a shorter length of stay, costs are limited for both parties.
Fewer Risk Factors
In addition to c
ost savings, outpatient surgeries offer a healthier and safer environment. Since only well patients are seen at a surgery center, hospital-acquired infections are significantly less common. Wound infections are also less likely thanks to the efficiencies of the procedure itself. The precision offered by the Mako robot is a direct contributor to Dr. Tchejeyan’s nearly flawless surgical outcome record.

Quicker Recoveries
The ease and efficiency of outpatient procedures really help the surgeon prepare the patient for the impending process. Having performed over 10,000 surgeries, Dr. Tchejeyan knows that spending time laying out the expectations with his patients is one of the most important parts of the surgical process. Knowing they’ll return home to recover where they’re most comfortable contributes to the patient’s mental preparedness prior to surgery.
While not every patient is a candidate for outpatient surgery, many are still able to make use of Specialty Surgery Center’s extended care programs. The Stay Well Center on the second floor is home to critical care nurses and therapists that help patients recovering from joint replacement operations that require overnight stays.
Qualified Surgeons Make The Difference
Generally, patients opting for outpatient surgery will likely find surgeons that have continued their education to employ the most advanced and efficient surgical techniques in their field. The Mako Robot is a revolutionary tool that has improved the field of orthopedics for nearly two decades. Together with Dr. Tchejeyan, the Specialty Surgery Center of Westlake Village is excited to offer Mako robotic surgery with the arrival of the Mako this fall.
For more information about the Mako Robot, please visit the various articles below.
Mako: The Next Big Thing In Robotics
Mako Robotic Surgery In Westlake Village
Case of the Month: Why Robotic PKR Is Better Than Manual PKR