What Should You Avoid After Knee Arthroscopy?
What Happens If Patellar Tendonitis Is Left Untreated?
Who is a Good Candidate for Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?
Is Total Knee Replacement the Right Procedure for Me?
Can Walking Help Fix Knee Arthritis
The most commonly injured knee ligament is the anterior cruciate ligament, also referred to as the ACL. The ACL is one of four primary ligaments in your knee, and it connects your femur (thigh bone) to your tibia (shin bone). A torn ACL injury will not only be very painful when you put any weight on your leg, but will cause your knee to swell up and leave you unstable. ACL tears most often occur while playing sports, due to sudden stops or changes in direction. And because many of the people who suffer ACL injuries have active lifestyles, one pressing question many of them ask is: how long will I be out of commission?
The Difference Between Arthritis and Bursitis
The most commonly injured knee ligament is the anterior cruciate ligament, also referred to as the ACL. The ACL is one of four primary ligaments in your knee, and it connects your femur (thigh bone) to your tibia (shin bone). A torn ACL injury will not only be very painful when you put any weight on your leg, but will cause your knee to swell up and leave you unstable. ACL tears most often occur while playing sports, due to sudden stops or changes in direction. And because many of the people who suffer ACL injuries have active lifestyles, one pressing question many of them ask is: how long will I be out of commission?
How Long Does It Take An ACL Injury To Heal?
The most commonly injured knee ligament is the anterior cruciate ligament, also referred to as the ACL. The ACL is one of four primary ligaments in your knee, and it connects your femur (thigh bone) to your tibia (shin bone). A torn ACL injury will not only be very painful when you put any weight on your leg, but will cause your knee to swell up and leave you unstable. ACL tears most often occur while playing sports, due to sudden stops or changes in direction. And because many of the people who suffer ACL injuries have active lifestyles, one pressing question many of them ask is: how long will I be out of commission?
What Are the Symptoms of Torn Knee Tendons?
How Do You Know If You Have A Torn Meniscus
The meniscus is soft, resilient cartilage in your knee joint between your thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia). It creates a cushion to absorb shock and to prevent bone rubbing on bone. If you twist too quickly or radically at your knee joint when your knee is bearing weight, you can tear the meniscus. It is a common sports injury when athletes run, jump, juke, or pivot. But, really, it can happen even while you are moving about in your kitchen or at the office.
4 Common Knee Injuries That Should Be Seen By A Professional
You may remember from physical education class that injuries should be treated by applying RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. In many cases, implementing the measures recommended by this useful acronym is good advice. However, you will need professional consultation for the following types of common knee injuries.